3 Inches of rain. 2 WEEKS of flooding!

The last rain was 3 inches. The flood is going to be ongoing for about 2 weeks!!!! The river went up more than 7 FEET!!!! From 3 inches of rain!!!!! Wouldn’t have happened if the dam was forced to stay shut. Has any town or people even filed to get an injunction from the dam opening, ever? How much does the paperwork cost to file that motion? Each town has it’s own attorney…

When the rain stopped, the river continued to rise very fast for about a 36 HOURS. For 36 hours the river went up up up. It wasn’t even raining!!! Oh, it also flowed BACKWARDS at the Passaic River confluence ( where the 2 rivers join )! From the gates of hell to a street and property near you…

That’s because they opened the dam for all that time. The flood water can’t leave until they shut the dam. Gates from hell closed = water can go down by draining. But not until the gates are closed. Even now, the water is going down very slowly because the gates from hell are STILL open, just not as much. As soon as the gates are closed all the way the water will pick up speed and go down at a natural rate, which is much faster than it’s going now.

ABOVE: The water is taking forever to go down!! It’s snowing! It’s turning to ice! Not a care in the world from the governor, or his henchmen the New Jersey District Water Supply commission! Those who flee get stuck with out of control expenses. Those who stay are stuck until their properties see the light of day again. The commissioners are warm and dry counting our money. Must be nice. Is this what being drunk on power looks like??

They dump water, cause damage = liability??? GOD didn’t open flood gates. GOD doesn’t store MILLIONS of gallons of water for a pretty landscape and water skiing.

**Notice they hide the flow rate for the Singac Gauge… And the Passaic River gauge, that used to be just up river was taken away because it “said too much” about what was going on. Wink Wink. It didn’t have a flow rate of negative, you know, going BACKWARDS, on the chart. Triple Wink. 2 Floods ago ( 3 week ago ) the river went up faster that ever. The water being RELEASED was so much that you could see it rise by the minute everywhere below the gates from hell!!! Lookout automobiles you paid good money for!! The dam comes first. HAHA. What are you going to do about it? Build a flood tunnel now?

ABOVE: Notice how the dam is ready to go all over again!!!! It’s poised to open full blast at the slightest increase. It’s on a hair-trigger. Lookout belooooooooow. HAHA. What are you gonna do about it? Build a flood tunnel?

How much money do they make from that stupid little power plant at the dam??? Is that part of their excuses?? Making money from the water flow? Anybody know about that? Let us know: support@floodtunnelnow.org

The deeper the water the faster it’s supposed to flow!!!!! But not when the gates from hell are open, even a little bit open they prevent the water from going down. In fact, if the gates are open even a little bit, the flow of the Passaic River will STOP COMPLETELY, and flow BACKWARDS!!!. That means the water trying to drain from your property and your street is locked in place until they decide to stop dumping thousands of gallons a minute!!

Behind the dam, when the river hits 11.5 feet, having no impact on their community, they open the gates, flooding all those below for weeks, each time. Then, they maintain 10.5 feet behind the dam. It’s a loaded weapon just waiting for a tiny bit of rain to make it go up again; even if the communities below have just recovered from weeks of flooding, it doesn’t matter. They’ll open the flood gates from hell and unleash another flood all over again.

Basically, when the gates from hell are open, all other river drainage comes to a halt, so you have the water that’s already there trying to flow and the rain falling, combined with the river bomb, equals a completely unnatural rise in water levels, quickly. Only the freight train river bomb gets to flow leaving total destruction in its wake.

It’s time to build a

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