
Thank you very much for visiting flood tunnel now! ANY support you can offer is greatly appreciated. Mostly what we need are signs everywhere. This site is dedicated to fixing the flooding problems associated with the Passaic River Basin by gathering as many people as possible together with the single goal of building a flood tunnel now. The flood tunnel will take all the excess water from where it’s ruining lives to where it won’t hurt a fly, the ocean. It’s simple and effective. Whom ever is standing in the way of modernizing the Passaic River Basin is obviously in on it. That’s the other side, where you’ll find salaries, contracts, basically piles of money they’re making off the victims of flooding in one way or another. It’s a small group of mismanagers.

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Along these rivers are tens of thousands of people who live and work. They are Americans who just want to live in peace. But the rivers that traverse through their landscape are spawning havoc, specifically flooding. And it’s man mismanaged. The rivers have been in place for centuries. What has not been in place for centuries is man made obstacles, like dams, and walls, which screw around with the water. The system is really fragile. Really really fragile. Small changes in the amount of water at a time have a ripple effect. The rivers are only as wide as their narrowest part. So if there is a narrow point that can only handle say, 50 feet by 10 feet of water at a time, any more than that will raise the depth of the water, very quickly as the water backs up. So if you have a dam that is releasing 900 feet by 100 feet of water at a time, that would make that narrow part of the river rise a whole lot, quickly for a long period of time. And if that same dam keeps releasing all that water nonstop, the buildup will spill everywhere it’s not supposed to; streets and yards ( massive disruptive destruction ). Even better when it’s freezing out and jagged ice forms. That’s what we call flooding. If you stick a mega drain pipe like a straw into the rivers to swallow all that crazy amount of water, and take it to the ocean, that’s what we call a flood tunnel. Problem solved. A giant flood tunnel with multiple openings that streamlines the water to the ocean. You’ll be mad it wasn’t built sooner. But some people seem to know how to cash in on the problem. Wink wink. And so they sabotage and connive using water as a tool for their benefit. $tudies, report$, worthless attempt$. Sound familiar?? Wink Wink.

A flood tunnel is one and done. No more piles of money to lift houses off the ground and buy properties with our own tax money, only to one day develop those propertie$ in the end. We will be the beneficiaries not them.

And that’s what flood tunnel now is about. One mission. Gathering as many people together as we can, to get the flood tunnel built now over these creeps objections.

People, this isn’t the year 1859. It’s 2024! Two-thousand twenty-four. Self driving cars. Mega housing complexes built in like 6 months from start to people moving in. Little Falls has like 20,000 new people moving in… They just built a city in a city. And there’s a lot more where that came from. Caldwell and Verona is going crazy with new housing. How about the Junk Yard Housing city across from Home Depot in Pine Brook. A total flood zone. Yet there’s building everywhere in the flood zones. So to dig some holes in the ground to save all these people from the destruction of flooding… Come on. It’s not a problem. The people who go nuts about runoff water because of all this building should be spreading the word to build a flood tunnel the most. Building an area up doesn’t matter when the water is handled properly. Build now worry later? It is later. These people are making money off of all this. Friends of the same people who run the dam. Cha Ching. Don’t believe them when they tell you they’ll buy your house with your own tax money to do you a favor. They want you gone. It’s so obvious. Get out so they can make more money saturating the towns with more and more people. People who aren’t you. Maybe that seems a little off topic. Is it though? We flood because of what people are doing, and are not doing. They are talking a lot about snow melt, or saturated ground, and reports, and all sorts of nonsense. What they are not doing is digging for the flood tunnel, yet. All excess water to the ocean. That’s that. We have to keep them on track when they talk about another $tudy. It’s just like when somebody pretends to work because the boss is around. If they’re not digging they should be getting written up and fired. Next.